Wellness Icon - Spiritual


Spiritual Wellness



Spiritual wellness encompasses the values, ethics, and principles that guide our actions. This area aims to help us find meaning and have purpose in our daily lives.



  • Developing a purpose in life
  • Reflecting on life’s events
  • Having an understanding between right and wrong
  • Practicing forgiveness
  • Practicing compassion
  • Caring about the welfare of others and the surrounding environment


  1. ASU’s Center: Mindfulness, Compassion, and Resilience strives to change the world into a more compassionate and inclusive place by creating a mindful, welcoming culture of caring and belonging and is dedicated to changing the world through mindfulness.


  2. Although non-sectarian, the ASU community is made up of a vibrant and diverse multi-faith community with physical spaces for reflection and prayer. Open for contemplation, meditation, reflection or prayer, the Reflection Room allows for contemplation and peaceful escape from the ongoings of everyday life.
  3. Check out many Well Devil Zones for opportunities to rest and relax
  4. Traditions can be important for many reasons. It teaches us about other cultures and offers new knowledge on things we may not know of. Many traditions can have a spiritual experience which can tie us together to create a community that bonds multi-diverse backgrounds as one.


  1. ASU’s Center: Mindfulness, Compassion, and Resilience strives to change the world into a more compassionate and inclusive place by creating a mindful, welcoming culture of caring and belonging and is dedicated to changing the world through mindfulness.


  2. Although non-sectarian, the ASU community is made up of a vibrant and diverse multi-faith community with physical spaces for reflection and prayer