ASU Students

Current Students

Faculty and Leadership

Meet Our Full-Time Faculty Team.

Heidi Sanborn - Program Director, RN-BSN and CEP Programs, Clinical Assistant Professor


Natalie Heywood - Associate Director, RN-BSN and CEP Programs, Clinical Associate Professor


Susan Thompson - Clinical Assistant Professor


Brenda Morris - Clinical Professor


Kimberly Vana - Clinical Professor


Lorraine Hirrani - Instructor


Sara Crance - Instructor

We also have several faculty who teach with us on a part-time basis while working full time in the clinical environment. Our faculty hold a variety of positions in clinical leadership, clinical education, school nursing, and public health.


Please reach out with any questions or concerns specific to the program. We have provided our email addresses, as well as our phone numbers and are always happy to hear from students.

Heidi Sanborn- Director, RN-BSN and CEP Program
(602) 496-6791

Natalie Heywood- Associate Director, RN-BSN and CEP Program
(480) 628-7166

Misti Lenoir- Administrative Associate, RN-BSN and CEP Program
(602) 496-2190