Adios Amigos

Study Abroad |
Faith Winston

Today with tears in our eyes and love in our hearts, we spent our last morning in the village of Umasbamba. Peru has been like a garden to me. We all came here as small seeds, and this environment has helped us grow. We have been nurtured and fed with knowledge and love. We have also learned to prune the parts of ourselves that do not give life to those around us. Not only have we learned to understand different people, we have also gained a deeper understanding of ourselves. I have learned to appreciate the beauty and uniqueness of a culture different than my own. I have also realized that we are all students and life is a great teacher if we wake up every day ready to learn. I have been able to learn from the smallest children as well as the most experienced adults. I have learned through my class meetings and through the small exchanges with locals. It is extremely easy to wake up every day and mindlessly follow a routine. But after this trip, I have realized that there are so many learning opportunities around me, and I would like to eliminate distractions and pay more attention to what matters. I believe that every moment, big and small has helped us gain skills that will be with me for my whole life. This trip has inspired me to be culturally sensitive, competent, and humble in my personal life and as a future professional. Through this, I hope to see more equality in our hospitals and communities as a whole. Peru was amazing, thanks to so many wonderful people and the support of my donors, classmates, professors, and my family. My promise is that I won't ever forget what I learned, but I will make a daily effort to make changes in myself and the world around me. We do not have to go overseas to make a global difference, you can make a change from right where you are at this very moment. However, if you have the opportunity to travel, do it. Just remember, wherever you are, learn from the people around you. It will change your life forever, it definitely changed mine.
