Dare to Depart

Study Abroad |
Faith Winston

As I departed from Los Angeles International Airport, I immediately felt a variety of emotions. Of course, I was filled with excitement and an eagerness to start the journey that I have been dreaming of since I started college. However, I was also extremely nervous! I was leaving the United States for the very first time without knowing anyone who would be going on the trip with me. I would also be getting on the longest flight on my life in just a few hours. After I checked my bag in, and said my goodbyes to my family, I was greeted by one familiar face after another. Although most of us had only met two times at pre-departure meetings, we spoke and acted as if we had already known one another. After leaving our loved ones behind and boarding our plane, we began to bond with the members of our new family that we would create in PerĂº. 
