New Familia, New Surroundings

Study Abroad |
Faith Winston

After a long journey from Machu Picchu, I arrived at my homestay in the city of Cusco. After knocking on the door, my classmate and I were greeted by our new family for the very first time. Our house mom warmly welcomed us with one kiss on each cheek as our new brother carried our bags through the indigo outdoor courtyard into our new rooms. As I settled in and started to take in my new surroundings, I began to embrace the change that the next few weeks would bring. Not only am I able to study culture from a more personal perspective, I have the opportunity to develop new relationships and practice my Spanish. This week, I also have the privilege of serving in the community. Through this service, I hope to gain a better understanding of others as well as a deeper understanding of myself and the values I would like to take with me in my future as a nurse.
