Concurrent DNP-PhD Program
DNP/PhD Concurrent Enrollment
Advanced leadership for diverse health care settings
The concurrent enrollment DNP/PhD degree with a concentration in adult gerontology emphasizes both advanced practice and research, preparing experts to address gerontological health challenges with expertise and training in both research and practice. More comprehensive than a single degree, this concurrent enrollment program provides valuable career skills that enhance the traditional DNP or PhD pathway and equip graduates to transform health care and research at its highest levels as a clinician researcher. Graduates are prepared for a wide and robust career path of their choosing, ranging from leading nursing research to directing advanced clinical practice. This program is ideal for anyone with at least a BSN and eager to lead meaningful contributions to the nursing profession.
- Promote discovery, generate knowledge with purpose, and apply it to successful aging health outcomes.
- Develop advanced knowledge for primary care, clinical management, and health promotion of older populations.
- Think critically, write, analyze, and conceptualize the health care challenges facing adults in a variety of settings.
Priority Deadline: December 15*
Applications received after December 15th will be considered on a rolling basis.
*Funding opportunities are generally more available for priority deadline applicants.
Admission to the concurrent programs occurs each year in the Fall semester.
Compare these two programs and see how a concurrent DNP/PhD degree can help you fulfill your career goals.
For more information on the concurrent programs, please contact: nursingandhealth@asu.edu