Study Abroad Posts


The village of Umasbamba is an hour bus ride from the city of Cusco and today we came here for the first time to start our service learning project.
After one flight, two busses, and one train ride we are finally here in Machu Picchu and I must say I am amazed. Upon arrival, we were informed about how ancient Incan people constructed the city with the use of advanced engineering, building, and farming skills.
After a long journey from Machu Picchu, I arrived at my homestay in the city of Cusco. After knocking on the door, my classmate and I were greeted by our new family for the very first time.
Yesterday, we woke up at 4 o'clock in the morning to head to the airport in order to board our short flight from Lima to Cusco. Although I was tired on the plane from waking up early, I was energized by the view of the Andes outside of the window.
It is unbelievable that one week has already passed since I landed in Lima! It was truly amazing visiting the beach, museums, cathedrals, and historical sites in the city.
Today after meeting for class and discussing culture, we visited The Cathedral of Lima.
My first full day in Peru was a perfect start to this trip. After sleeping in our new rooms for the first night, and sleeping off our jet lag we were ready to start our day with a class discussion.
After an 8-hour overnight flight, one movie, a few naps, two meals, and several conversations, we finally made a smooth landing in Lima at 7:45 a.m.
As I departed from Los Angeles International Airport, I immediately felt a variety of emotions. Of course, I was filled with excitement and an eagerness to start the journey that I have been dreaming of since I started college.
Started packing today and I'm so excited to be able to explore healthcare from a global perspective this summer in Peru.
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