
Professional, Community and Continuing Education


Edson College provides outstanding learner-centered executive and continuing education to interdisciplinary health professionals on a wide variety of health topics. 



Academy of Lactation Programs

Series focusing on accessible and inclusive lactation education through one comprehensive 95-hour course or three component courses: Fundamentals of Human Lactation, Communication and Counseling for Lactation Consultants, and Advanced Human Lactation. Eligible for 5 - 95 CE credits.

Designed for aspiring lactation consultants and those eager to add breastfeeding support to their professional practice.

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Academy of Lactation Programs: Clinical Internship

Internship opportunity offering 530 hours of lactation clinical experience, split into three sections: Observation of IBCLC Mentor and Skills lab, Transition to Clinical Practice, and Supervised Independent Practice.

Designed for aspiring lactation consultants and those eager to add breastfeeding support to their professional practice.


Advanced Certificate in Nurse Precepting

Series of seven modules covering the fundamental skills of effective precepting, as well as more advanced competencies for effective communication and mentorship required by the preceptor role.

Designed for health professionals wishing to gain experience in preceptorship.

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ASU & Mayo Clinic Health and Wellness Certificate

Series of five health and wellness courses that explore topics related to the body, mind and spirit. The online program teaches you how to reduce stress, eat healthier, sleep better, exercise more and improve your whole body. 

Designed for working professionals (in any field and any stage of their career) who are eager to implement "real world" health and wellness strategies to their personal and professional lives. 

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Certificate in Health Innovation Leadership 

Series of four modules designed for health management professionals who want to learn how to develop an innovation strategy that aligns with their organization’s goals. Eligible for 12 CE Credits.

Designed for health management professionals who want to learn how to develop an innovation strategy that aligns with their organization’s goals.

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Foundations of Clinical Research Management

Offering three 45 hour courses as a bundle or as independent courses, providing a strong foundation on Ethics in Research, FDA Regulations for Human Subject Research and Clinical Research Operations.

Designed for working professional for recertification and Clinical research management masters potential degree candidates.

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Fundamentals of Healthcare for Veterans

Series of eight modules promoting the delivery of ethical, quality and safe care for veteran, military patients and their families.

Designed for community medical and mental health care providers.


Health Policy Academy

Self-guided program that educates health professionals about the policy concerns underlying current issues, the political framework surrounding them and how to be an effective advocate.

Designed for health professionals wishing to gain experience in the policy or advocacy space.



Human Trafficking Awareness Program 

Human trafficking is a world-wide public health and social justice issue. Although it spans every country, it is also happening in the United States in cities and rural communities, and it can impact anyone regardless of age, gender, socio economic status, race, or sexual identity.

This course will provide an overview of the two main types of trafficking: sex and labor, and an insight into the terminology used, red flags, who the buyers are, and more.

Designed for any individual.

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Introduction to Adult ICU Nursing and Mechanical Ventilation

Series of eight free modules introducing non-ICU nurses to the ICU setting. Focuses on care of the critically ill and mechanically ventilated patient, as well as management of shock, titratable IV drips and more.

Designed for non-ICU nurses.

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I-TEAM By DesignTM: Interprofessional Training in Empathy, Affect and Mindfulness

A 4-hour, fully animated and web-based short course focused on cultivating and optimizing interprofessional skills related to empathy, connectivity, emotional intelligence, humility, and self/other awareness for the improvement of patient centered care and provider job satisfaction/retention. The program includes both individual and team-based workouts, and can be taken individually or incorporated into workforce trainings, classroom curricula, or clinical rounds.

Designed for healthcare professionals and students of healthcare and other health professions of all levels.


Learning Together: Teamwork Toolkit for the Clinical Learning Environment

Series of seven modules that develop essential knowledge skills and tools for building an optimal interprofessional Clinical Learning Environment.

Designed for students and clinicians of health professions.